jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

docu 60 min

documental de Nova Zelanda fa un bon repas als casos mes importants...

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

COSFORD incident

Un dels arxius que va estudiar Nick Pope i que li va semblar especialment rellevant és el que involucra a la Base militar anglesa de Cosford... a la seva web podeu trobar la informació d'aquest i molts altres casos Ufo d'anglaterra.


Given the MOD's "no defence significance" conclusion on UFOs, it seems fitting to conclude with quotes from MOD documents which contradict the usual stance. In a briefing that I prepared for my Head of Division on 16 April 1993 I wrote:

"It seems that an unidentified object of unknown origin was operating in the UK Air Defence Region without being detected on radar; this would appear to be of considerable defence significance, and I recommend that we investigate further, within MOD or with the US authorities".

My Head of Division was normally sceptical about the UFO phenomenon, but on this occasion he agreed with my conclusion. His 22 April 1993 brief to the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (one of the UK's most senior RAF officers) stated:

"In summary, there would seem to be some evidence on this occasion that an unidentified object (or objects) of unknown origin was operating over the UK."

This is about as close the MOD will ever get to saying that there's more to UFOs than misidentifications or hoaxes.

Alerta en Los Angeles 1942

En plena segona guerra mundial, EUA estava en alerta de bombardejos enemigs. Una nit es va disparar la sirena i les armes van començar a disparar al cel contra el que es creia que eren avions enemigs. Tot sembla indicar que no es tractava de cap incursió hostil.